How To Get The Very Most for Your Home, Even In a Hot Seller’s Market: A 6-Week Series

Sell Right

Anyone can sell a house in this hot seller’s market.

But, here’s the thing…

The goal should NEVER be to get a home sold or sold quickly. That’s easy! Anyone can do that.

The goal is to get the very MOST money for your most significant investment when you sell it. And in a hot seller’s market, that’s even MORE important.

Because if you’re going to bother selling a home in the hottest seller’s market in history, why wouldn’t you want to get the most for it you possibly can?

Buy low, sell high. That’s economics 101, so why wouldn’t you want to sell for the highest possible?

It seems like an obvious answer, but many sellers aren’t right now.


Because they are skipping steps.

I’m sure you’ve been hearing the stories about today’s hot seller’s market from your friend, neighbor, or relative: “I went live on the market and received 15 offers right away!” or “I didn’t even need to list my home publicly, it sold so fast off-market!”

So people think they don’t need to do much to get their home sold. That’s right, you don’t have to do much to get your home sold right now, but that’s not going to get you the very most money possible for it.

It’s almost like selling your home at a pawn shop—you know it will be off your hands, but the only focus is on getting quick cash while knowing you’re still not getting the most for it.

Don’t make that mistake!

As Warren Buffett says, “Don’t get caught up with what other people are doing.”

Other people are skipping steps and leaving money on the table right now.

At first glance, you might say, what’s another couple thousand dollars? Well, when done correctly, we are talking about tens of thousands of dollars. Think about what you could do with that kind of money.

So, how do you get the very most money for your home in this market?

There are four steps.

Most people don’t realize there is much more to selling a home than taking a few photos and throwing it on the MLS, especially if you want the very most for it in this hot seller’s market.

I created my series, “Get the Most for Your House Even In a Hot Seller’s Market,” – to help you maximize the profits from your most significant investment and not get “caught up in what other people are doing.”

Over the next five weeks, I’ll be sharing with you my four steps to getting the most money possible when selling your home, no matter what the market is doing.

Even if you aren’t selling a home anytime soon, this is a must-read series. Here’s what you’ll learn:

Week One: “Why You Need To Do To Prep Your Home For Sale, Even If It Can Sell In A Day.” In this article, I’ll talk about how to do as little as possible to your home ready to sell for the most money possible.

Week Two: “Why Selling Your Home For The Highest Price Possible Takes More Than Just Throwing It On The MLS.” I’ll talk about the strategies I use to attract the most qualified buyers to your home who are ready to make their best offer. My unique marketing strategies not only attract buyers but make them want to do whatever it takes to make your home theirs.

Week Three: “It’s Not Just About Price, It’s About What’s Hiding in the Contract.” This week we’ll talk about terms and contingencies and the little-known clauses in the contract that could keep you from getting to the closing table. I’ll also explain why a cash offer is not always the best offer to choose.

Week Four: “It Ain’t Over ‘Till It’s Over,” as they say. This week, I’ll explain why going under contract is NOT the time to celebrate and why making a specific list of things during this phase of the selling process will make or break your home sale.

Plus a BONUS week about the pros and cons of selling your home off-market, since that’s such a hot topic these days. We’ll talk about when selling off-market is the best option and how to STILL get the very most for your home, even if you don’t put it on the market.

I hope you enjoy this series; it arms you with the knowledge of what’s happening in the real estate market.

If you’ve been thinking of selling your home and don’t want to wait for the series to come out, email me at I can give you the abridged version to know what you need to do to have your home sold for the very most money right now.

If you aren’t selling anytime soon, forward this information to a friend or connect us.

I see SO many sellers leaving money on the table. I don’t want that to be you or anyone you know.

My goal is to be your go-to resource for all things real estate.


I'm Tehane, a local realtor helping locals buy, sell, and stay local in Honolulu  Schedule a conversationand let's talk about your current situation and where you want to be. Then, let's create a plan to get you there.  Every journey begins with the first step! 



BHGRE Advantage Realty
4211 Waialae Avenue, Box 9050
Honolulu, HI. 96816


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I'm Tehane, a local realtor helping locals buy, sell, and stay local in Honolulu. Schedule a conversation, and let's talk about your current situation and where you want to be. Then, let's create a plan to get you there. Every journey begins with the first step!   

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